The Way Up the Mountain
We are studying the Language of Creation in an Original Culture Way!
Are you a woman who wants more understanding of the Hebraic roots of the Word of God so that you can make deeper connections and receive more insight? If so, do you want a "Guide" and community that can help you do so?
We believe every woman has a powerful ability to deepen her understanding and become a "guide" patterned after the Master Teacher in the Original Culture Way!

Early Semitic Pictographic Alphabet Book
Foundation Builder Guide is introducing this inspiring and enlightening new perspective on the earliest forms of the Ancient Hebrew Scripts. Order your copy today!
“I love this! Katie has done a beautiful job at illustrating the poetic side of the Hebrew language. Her book is not only a great introduction to Ancient Hebrew, but also gives us a key to unlocking the mystery and power behind this foundational language. This adds another tool for decoding ancient scripture and understanding the relevance of the Hebrew Bible to our current times.”
"The images make it feel like you are learning at the Temple."
"Katie has collected images and concepts into one inviting volume that fascinates the mind and excites the heart. This book is a gateway to a study of ideas and language that will enrich the reader’s life!" ~
Experience this Introductory Principles of Creation Class
Come learn about the Principles of Creation through Foundation Builder Guide's transformational intro class ~ The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial in our self-paced classroom and with our online community platform.
I am just completing the first lesson of The Pilgrim's Course and already I am just blown away! Thank you! Thank you for creating this course and sharing your beautiful insights. This is such powerful information! It is filling my soul! It brings purpose to EVERYTHING. It helps me not fear the trials of the future because I know they serve such a great purpose, that they are the path to bring me to greater heights. I've known this before in different words, but the symbols and the words "pilgrim" and "course" and the way you are explaining it, puts a whole new light on it all. Thank you! I am deeply grateful for this and cannot wait to learn more!!!
Studying this gives me hope! Learning this Pilgrim's Course principle testified to me that I am not alone. Knowing this solidifies in me that there really is a great plan. This principle gave me hope that it's not always going to be hard. I can see now that God truly holds my life in his hands and even though I may be in my wilderness experience, not always able to see the bigger picture through the darkness, there is hope shining before me. Seeing this pattern shows just too many witnesses to doubt that. Thank you Katie for all your efforts in sharing your light and the questions you asked to receive and discover this truth!
Our Symbolic-Study Community
Come learn the Hebraic Principles of Creation through Foundation Builder Guide's transformational mentored study program & community. To learn more, read about "Level 1, 2 & 3". Then, join and finish our pre-requisite class introducing you to the Hebrew Way. We'd love to serve you there!
Testimonials of the our Symbolic Principles of Creation Study for Women
& its Symbolic-learning at Home Resources:
Inspried. If I had to choose one word to describe The Foundation Builder Guide, inspired would be that word. Learning to live by the principles I have learned while studying with Katie has opened my heart and prepared me to be a Godly mother. I am blessed to have been involved with a co-op which uses the principles and teachings in The Foundation Builder Guide. We’ve started to implement the principles in many aspects of our lives. Since the principles of Creation are principles set from the foundation of the world, they apply to everything from communication within the family, to health, to your communication with God. They give you the power to change your life from within. It has truly been a gift to my family.
What a blessing! It has truly been a spiritual journey as I have begun to see nature and gospel principles with new eyes. Katie so beautifully and gently guides you through the discovery process of seeking, asking and knocking. This experience has been so different from other seminars, classes and conferences . Symbols in nature and the scriptures are coming alive as I am beginning to make greater connections and applications to my own life. My creative right brain is being challenged and awakened as well as my spirit. I will never view life and learning in the same way. Thank You Katie for paying a price the last few years to take this journey yourself and become “One who goes before”. I’m so grateful!
I am in love with the Symbolic-learning at Home Resources of the Foundation Builder Guide. The other day I was busy doing my mommy stuff and I heard my kids singing, so I just had to peek around the corner, They were playing Ten Booms. Singing one of the songs from class. It happened to be a song teaching a principle my children were struggling with. This is what I heard, “Just a little Kindness goes a long way…… For Kindness Begins when I think about you for Kindness begins with me."
Unlocking the Chambers Women's Retreat
Restoring more Original wholistic ways of nurturing, learning and healing through immersion in the Hebraic Principles of Creation and the Organic Environments & Materials. Experience one of Foundation Builder Guide's transformational Unlocking the Chambers Women's Retreats along your "Hebrew Way" learning journey!
Thank you for providing this divinely guided program to teach us and our little ones core foundations through song, symbol, simulation, movement, dance, nature, discovery and exploration within the Hebrew Model. Not only will our children be able to come to the connections of Creation/Creator and Gospel principles, but so will the parent.
After returning home from the Foundation Builder facilitator training, I felt such a release from a burden of weariness and stagnation. I feel so capable to create, to nourish, to dance and sing.
The closing family celebration (open to the public) held afterwards, was fabulously joyous! I want others in my area to be sure that they don’t miss the next one!
I loved this experience! Being in Nature surrounded by creation with other like-minded moms. I was in the background helping setting up and keeping things running smoothly. Even though the weather was less than cooperative, there was a strong connection between all attendees. It was powerful. This was a retreat that combined the Organic Environments of Learning with Organic Materials and WOW. A safe, loving, nurturing environment was born. I witnessed each mom on a personal journey through this experience, learning by the spirit what Father needed her there. Each person took away something a truth, that hopefully ignited a spark. I know for me I now work hard to create that Environment in my home so we have our own, safe, loving nurturing environment. I want all in my home to feel God’s presence and healing light. I see the power of Environment and how it can facilitate healing, change and create opportunities for the spirit to penetrate our minds and hearts.
Intro class
at Home Resources
Study for Women