Our Spring Family Celebration
Join us for our "Aspects of the Hebrew Way" Spring Celebration! It is an evening gathering of like-minded families for an experiential learning simulation.*
For this year's Spring Celebration, we are hosting Tracie and Marc Hyde who will lead this experiential learning, involving the Organic Environments of Symbol & Story, Language & Words, Play & Project.
As we all are preparing for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, this experience will help us increase in wisdom & understanding of what it means to be "the Woman" who is waiting for the coming of the Bridegroom.
- Gather & Visit!
- Experience & Create!
- Story-led & Instructions by Tracie & Marc Hyde!
- & Dance!
Reserve a Seat: Please submit THIS FORM (click)
A Biblical Wedding Experience

If interested, please add your names ON THIS FORM (click)
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
~ Marcus Garvey
What did our Creator say?
What are we Celebrating?
We are gathering with our renewed understanding of traveling together along our very own "Pilgrims Course." ~ This gives us a view of the original "Hebraic Way" we desire to cultivate and restore, and a very good reason to come together in Celebration!
If you'd like to learn more about this mission, begin learning about the Hebrew Way by reading The Hebrew Model: Restoring Our Original Culture & story (click). Or, begin learning in our pre-requisite "Hebrew Way" class introducing the Hebraic Principles of Creation. It's called: Pilgrim's Course Tutorial (click).
This Pilgrim's Course Tutorial Intro Class & The Hebrew Model book illustrates the Hebraic principles beginning with ourselves, with the intent of blessing our families and then those in our communities. Learning this simple yet profound "Hebraic Principle" in the scriptures can assist you in living the God-led, intentional life you desire.
" The Hebrew language is the best language of all, with the richest vocabulary . . . . If I were younger I would want to learn this language, because no one can really understand the Scriptures without it. For although the New Testament is written in Greek, it is full of hebraisms and Hebrew expressions. It has therefore been aptly said that the Hebrews drink from the spring, the Greeks from the stream that flows from it, and the Latins from a downstream pool. " - Martin Luther
Read more HERE on Why We Are Celebrating? here.
Our Fall Family Celebration
Join us for our "Aspects of the Hebrew Way" Fall Celebration! It is an evening gathering of like-minded families for a nurturing potluck meal and America's Folk dance.
Celebrate & Dance!
Register: $5 per family
Begin Learning Some of America's Folk Dances
Basket Dance, Part 1
Basket Dance, Part 2
Lucky Seven, Part 1
Lucky Seven, Part 2
Heel Toe Polka, Part 1
Heel Toe Polka, Part 2
Testimonials of the Intro Class - The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial
I am just completing the first lesson of The Pilgrim's Course and already I am just blown away! Thank you! Thank you for creating this course and sharing your beautiful insights. This is such powerful information! It is filling my soul! It brings purpose to EVERYTHING. It helps me not fear the trials of the future because I know they serve such a great purpose, that they are the path to bring me to greater heights. I've known this before in different words, but the symbols and the words "pilgrim" and "course" and the way you are explaining it, puts a whole new light on it all. Thank you! I am deeply grateful for this and cannot wait to learn more!!!
The Pilgrim's Course is mind blowing! Seeing the meaning in this "Course," then knowing that God is leading me in it, brought me the ability to have peace in the chaos."
I really enjoyed the Pilgrim's Course class. It was useful in helping me see patterns in the scriptures, other books and stories and in my own life. It re-enforced for me the concept that everything is a process. Too often in life we want a 'quick fix'. The Pilgrims Course is all about letting God take the lead in our life and being willing to follow wherever He takes you for however long it takes. God is the Master of the re-test and I have recognized that I keep facing the same lessons until I learn them. The Pilgrims Course outlines the specific path necessary to 'become' who God designed us to be as we overcome the natural man and temptations of the world. This definitely revealed another layer to my deepening understanding.
Studying this gives me hope! Learning this Pilgrim's Course principle testified to me that I am not alone. Knowing this solidifies in me that there really is a great plan. This principle gave me hope that it's not always going to be hard. I can see now that God truly holds my life in his hands and even though I may be in my wilderness experience, not always able to see the bigger picture through the darkness, there is hope shining before me. Seeing this pattern shows just too many witnesses to doubt that. Thank you Katie for all your efforts in sharing your light and the questions you asked to receive and discover this truth!