Katie's Story

Path to Light

In October of 2009, I participated in a Vision Walk at the Mom's Retreat in the Park City area.  The facilitator had us close our eyes and asked us to imagine going to our place of meditation.  After giving instructions in that space for a time, she "walked us," through imagination, into a market where there were stalls.  Over one stall were the words, "Feed the Hungry." Another, "Clothe the Naked." And another, "Ignorance."  In each of these stalls images came to my mind.  I felt like I should be seeing something different, but instead I saw chains, distractions, the business world and in one I saw women hurrying from here to there rushing about doing nothing and involved in the non-essential.  In the next place our facilitator "took" us, we met a person who gave us a gift.  I found myself facing my Lord and Savior and reaching out to receive His gift, a key in the palm of my hand.  We imagined walking over and down some steps where there were three doors.  We opened the doors.  Behind these doors I found myself taking this key and shoving into the hearts of those behind the doors.

During that visionary experience, in each scene, I was expecting to see something else and I kept finding these images there in my mind.  Since that time, I have been on a journey of discovering the many aspects of my personal mission and what I am to doing here with that Key.  I share this Vision Walk experience because it is directly connected to our purpose in utilizing the Healing Arts of the Organic Environments & Materials and all that is offered through the Foundation Builder Guide organization.  

On this journey, my first step was beginning my personal Pilgrim's Course with my specific commitment and sacrifice of time in the Words and worship of Christ.  From that, I began a serious search and study of patterns and found my next step was to ask like Paul, the Prophet to the Gentiles, "What would you have me to do, Lord?"  After a time, in early 2009, I received a picture in my mind - The Hebrew Way. The Hebrew Way - Receiving and Living Mission

I began applying this by holding a simple retreat for mothers.  Afterwards, I began writing about learning Hebraically or symbolically.  I had an impression l needed to start teaching classes so I began a discusssion group in my home.

My Creator has brought important friend mentors along this journey who essentially "called me" to learn and do through certain experiences.  The next step pertaining to this journey was when Taundra Shelton who was receiving her instructions to her personal mission, came to me and said, "I am ready to hold this women's retreat and God said to come to you."  She also said at a different time, "You will create something with Language and Creation."  It was after this (and after I had recieved 2 ZoneBalance treatments from her) that I awoke one morning with an idea to hold a class where we would go on a hike for each "principle" of the Hebrew Alphabet and looking for the patterns in Nature at the same time including the plants and my favorite Gospel songs.  (Incorporating a whole-body Kinesthetic & Naturalist Intelligence experiences.)

The Way up the Mountain

I began teaching older children (and adults online) to prepare them to see in patterns which would help them enter a time of study (House of Study) in their life and I taught these same concepts at the retreat Taundra and I created. Throughout that year and the next (2012-2013) I had been asking myself "Why did God tell Taundra to come to me?"  I had also asked her several times.  It wasn't until the January of 2014 that I knew why.

The Fall of the year 2012, I began to look for a "Hebrew School" from which my children could learn more.  We had been studying about Leadership Education for over 10 years previously through TJEd and Education for Real Life, and we had considered the point of education was to bring us to this God-directed personal mission.  I wanted my children to have these Hebraic principles (which I had begun learning and teaching) in their education.  I knew these principles would lead them to their God and the personal mission He would have them fulfill in a greater way, as I was shown to go up the mountain with the "Hebrew."  I talked with a leader in the Jewish Community to ask about what schools were available.  He told me there were no traditional Hebrew Schools, just private schools that celebrate the Jewish holidays.  I was disappointed.  At this time I did not realize, just four months later, I would begin putting my Hebrew study into this Foundation Builder Guide, which I have come to understand is this "Hebrew School" I was looking for.

In the Spring of 2013, another dear friend, Aneladee Milne, came to me and asked me to be the developer of a "Core" class that could be taught in a 3-day a week private school.  She and I were participating in a 1 day a week school with our families and I felt the call to start incorporating it into our one day a week Commonwealth community.  We involved my husband and he became excited and did the work to start the non-profit organization called Liber Education Laboratory.  It so happened as Aneladee and I brainstormed about what principles the Core class positive scripts should be built upon, we realized that Hebrew had stood the foundation of time and could help the class have foundational principles of truth, which is what a "Core" or "Foundation" of a person should have.  Now I knew why I was involved!!  This was my next step on this journey from the (Way Up the Mountain/Discovering Our Creators through Symbol & Story) classes I created as I began teaching through Nature and the principles I extrapolated from the Hebrew and the story of the Hebrew people from the Old Testament.

I began creating and teaching the "Ten Boom's", a 5-8 year old class, and by the first month I found myself with words in my mind which directed me to include specific parts in the class that were similar to the retreat Taundra and I had just implemented.  As I worked each month on writing stories, songs and dances, writing the monthly outline, station ideas and gathering the supplies for various parts of the class, I had small moments to communicate with the 6-9 other mothers in the classroom as they prepared their station environments.  I began to quickly realize I could see much more than I was able to communicate in those times with these mothers, my friends.  So one evening, I asked in prayer, "How am I going to show the other mothers to do this?"  Immediately, from the right corner of my mind that image of Healing Retreat through the Arts ~ Providing Environments that Illuminate You, came to my mind.  I saw my friends as participants in this retreat Taundra and I created; the environments of writing, nature hikes, play and the Words. Liberated Soul Header

I finally knew why!  ~ Why God brought Taundra to me to help create that retreat.  Oh my did this experience make me sit down.  I could not believe what just happened to me in that prayer and over the course of those few years.  I was in awe.  I began writing down what I understood in that moment and now, everything became clear; what was going on in this class, my last few years of teaching this Symbolic Hebrew, my feeling called to teach classes, etc.  I even recorded an impression that came the night after my original retreat 2009 that I needed to be "doing these workshops closer to home and more often."      One of the things I did on the website for that retreat was put a key by the name.  The day after when Taundra saw it, she was amazed because she knew a "Key" was a part of this whole thing, but it wasn't until I did that that she made certain connections.  She had bought these keys and didn't know where they fit in.  I now have one hanging from a necklace.

Now, for me it wasn't until I was going forward describing these workshops that I made my connection to the "Key."  Earlier in January 2014, when I asked my Creator how I was to teach what I knew inside, to my friends, I awoke 10 days later with a dream and an outline for these Workshops.  The last words I wrote were "Unlocking the Artist Generation."  But it wasn't until June 2014 that I awoke (after creating the workshop wordle) with the word "Chambers".  I then inserted a "Key" with the title and for the first time in almost five years my "Vision Walk" came back to me.

What I have learned thus far with these Organic Principles, Environments, Materials & Skills, is that they create the perfect space for each Individual Being, child or adult, to build their house on a rock and find those avenues of the creative process within, to be opened and flourish outward from them, producing true genius, creativity and co-mission.  Thus, Unlocking the Chambers within; truly bringing out the true self, modeled after the Master Artist and Creator.

So now, here we are.  If you are joining us on this journey to incorporate these Organic Principles, Environments, Materials & Skills, whether for yourself or those who travel with us, I commend you.  Our Creator has a beautiful journey and Course in store for you to become a facilitator of this Unlocking to allow the true "Artist's," Creators and Innovators to flourish for all the world to see and know Light.

I can't wait to meet you!


Katie Hansen

Creator & Director

Foundation Builder Guide & Unlocking the Chambers Women's Retreats  



Our Artist Story

Once Upon a Dimension not far from here, there was an Artist.  This Artist had become known as "The Master Artist" throughout the land.  He had learned and mastered all the Principles, Environments, Materials,and Skills which all Artists have the ability to master.  He not only mastered these Principles, Environments, Materials and Skills but placed their existence and movement in perfect order; an order set precisely to work and self-generate producing life and endlessness.  The combination of these certain Principles, Environments, Materials, & Skills created a beauty and flow which acted as a key.    The Master Artist used this key to Unlock the Chambers of all Creations.


  • He began with One.  One Day, One Sphere, One Form, One Space; a great Oneness uniting all the Principles, Environments, Materials and Skills.  Circling all Art into one great whole.
  • He went on to Two.  Dividing that great whole into halves.  Two Parts, Two halves, Two Opposing Forces, Two Spaces within one; creating a balanced pull in two directions.
  • Next came Three.  Three Lights, Three Pillars, Three Extensions.  Three Skills.  Patterns of three extending out help towards all.
  • Then He moved on to Four.  Four Corners, Four Kinds, Four Areas over the expanse.  Reaching over and encompassing the entire.  A Door of true penitence.
  • He then founded the Five.  Five Categories. Five Steps.  A Breath of Life within the Five; bringing Life and Hope.
  • This Master Artist added onto these the Six.  Six. Six. Six. All the foundation was laid for you and I to enter the scene, for you and I to become connected to this our Master Artist.  We became immersed in the Principles, Environments, Material and Skills which brought beauty and order a midst the chaos.  These tools helped us overcome the Natural Man and become the Divine within us. You and I could accept this connection and follow The Course and Path to become like this our Master Artist or make our own way to our own ends.  The choice was ours and the Conflict began.

Yes, the sun shown bright and beautiful then the clouds came and cast vicious shadows on the light.  The first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth times have all shown the sun and then clouds and turmoil of days better forgotten.  Death and pain and destitute hearts.  Broken. Broken. Broken.

No worries however.  All boundaries were planned and in proper order by this Master Artist to create the beauty and promise of the enabling Principles, Environments, Materials and Skills;  Unlocking the chambers within all creation to flow and change and move upward towards light and life; all at the right time.

  • Lastly, the Seven.  Seven for Rest and Rejuvenation.  A space was created for feasting unto completeness.  A feast of a spiritual realm.
Today, the time is now to combine the Principles, Environments, Materials, and Skills.  You and I have the keys within to unlock this beautiful creative flowing movement and change upward toward light; to Become.  You and I can become the facilitators to help others to do the same.  In this process, we follow the Master Artist.
Now, The Master Artist, Artist of all Artists, is waiting.
~ Katie