What are we Celebrating?

We are Celebrating Our Story. Our Universal story and our specific stories. As civilizations rise and fall, the remnants of the cultures they leave behind are in the form of stories & art. The power of story is real. Stories preserve community and family culture. They can also renew an individual's connection with their Creator and their identity in this world. Stories are what keep us connected in our churches, families & communities. No matter where we come from, we all share our Universal story of Creation & the Creator.
We are Celebrating Song. Did you know that a culture of singing is what freed the entire nation of Estonia? After Stalin took over the Baltic States in 1939/1940, the people lost their freedom to celebrate their cultural singing festivals. After 50 years, they began overcoming their fears and gathering to sing their cultural songs. This gave them more and more courage to stand against their oppressors and grew to a point where they stood, hand-in-hand, in 1991, against the tanks, singing. The world saw this on the news and it was the first time we in the West understood what had been happening those 50 years after WWII. Singing is powerful!! Through a simple song, we can learn a powerful message. We often sing hymns and those hymns encourage and uplift us. For this Celebration, we, the audience, will be singing a few beautiful folk songs.

We are Celebrating Joyful Movement. Did you ever notice that each culture around the world includes dance as a part of their festivals? Have you ever wondered why? Did you know movement is a strong need of the body and even helps us release negative emotions to Christ? Think about it. Running is great to do when we have to let-off steam. Walking may help us think. Yoga and breathing helps us to calm the chatter in our minds. There are many studies and research showing the benefits of movement. Now, did you also know the Jewish culture enjoys a dance at their wedding feasts? This tradition goes back anciently, and I believe has something to do with the word feast, which means, to gather in a circle and dance. Interesting huh?
Family Celebrations:
These Celebrations are large one day afternoon/evening gatherings for families who are learning about The Hebrew Way and what we call "The Pilgrim's Course" (see The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial (Online Retreat and/or the book The Hebrew Model: Restoring Our Original Culture & Story) and desire to connect, create and learn together! Once we see and understand "the Hebrew way", we will be glad to gather and gain support with like-minded families who also see "The Course." It is highly suggested to bring some family friends with you whom you live near to begin building this community support near you. If you would like to build a community in your area, begin by taking our Intro Class and join our Hebrew Way Discussion Group.
Read more details about our Fall 2023 Gathering HERE.
See these images from our Fall 2016 Family Celebration.
Women's Celebration:
Our Fall Unlocking the Chambers Women's Retreat is 3 days and 2 nights of wholeness and connection through nurturing "Organic Environments" and smaller groups facilitated by women who have been participating in Foundation Builder Guide's Hebraic study program.