Join us to learn these Hebraic Principles through a variety of ways.
We offer Guide's to learn the Hebraic Principles of Creation*, through modeling the heart-centered, Hebrew Way learning process, opposed to the mind-centered Greek Way. This process is a slower learning approach, to help sink our hearts into it. It is a Way of Being, and not a quick/fast intellectual thing. We do this with other women/mothers and the family can join along with her.
If you are interested, we have a Mentored Hebraic/Symbolic-study program and Facilitator community to learn in a variety ways and which includes a printed Study Guide and Workbook and online resources. It also includes our original Symbolic-Learning Home Resources (online pdf's,mp3's,recordings). Our Intro Principles of Creation Class is a prerequisite to offer a foundation to build upon.
We hold a Women’s Retreat every other year to learn together in-person with the Facilitator Team, those who have been mentored by their full engagement in the study and Facilitator Mentoring & Coaching discussions (live online). This offers a beautiful immersive experience for participants at the Retreat, as well as a chance for those who have gone ahead to share their genius and lead from that process. Everyone learns and grows from each other and explores on deeper whole levels as we are immersed in the Organic Environments of learning, nurturing, and healing along with one main Hebraic principle.
We recognize that not everyone can participate in this, so we also offer our Symbolic-Learning Home Resources as a stand alone option to learn the Hebraic Principles of Creation.
Those learning these Hebraic Principles of Creation in either of these ways will be prepared to join us in our in-person at our Women's Retreat training currently held every other year.
See a glimpse below of several ways to learn these Hebraic principles.
What are the Hebraic Principles of Creation?
*The Hebraic Principles of Creation are a set of principles Katie Hansen extrapolated from her study in the Language of Creation and through all the subjects in Creation. This language is the most original language of this Earth and most resembles a chemical language. Each symbol holds several possible meanings including a number, shape, musical tone, sounds, etc. When added together with other symbols with their inherent and derived meanings, it forms combined meanings and words. Some of Katie's research has been recorded in The Early Semitic Pictographic Alphabet book. This book will help point you in an accurate direction for this subject, but it is not possible for it to be all inclusive for this vast topic. We invite you to continue your learning & teaching journey with our Community!
Learn to Facilitate in The Hebrew Way
Do you feel called to prepare yourself in the best ways of teaching? Does your personal life Course include a servant-leadership role within your home, family or community? Join us in restoring Original Culture through refining your skills and abilities in leading, guiding, mentoring, teaching and facilitating to become teachers of great spirit and consequence--The Hebrew Way. We go to the Original Sources of servant-leadership to learn these lessons of Facilitating from those Hebraic Principles of creation, then we apply these ways to bring wholeness, truth and transformation in our Women's Retreat training.
We are Principal Mentors of the Home & Community. We are called as spiritual Nurse-midwives assisting in the rebirth of women of covenant. We are women who know our primary role and are called to Facilitate in restoring wholeness and creating Original Culture community.
This option is available in the full Symbolic-study program called Level 1-3.

- Lifetime Membership in the Foundation Builder Guide Community, and access to our online learning site with our original and inspired Hebraic principles study resources and recorded group mentoring
- Bi-monthly Live Mentoring Meetings (including monthly classic book discussions)
- Further opportunities to step into our Facilitator Mentoring & Coaching Community
- printed: full-color, magazine-style Foundation Builder Principles of Creation Study Guide, an in-depth framework for study of the 22 Principles of Creation
- printed: FBG's Study Guide Companion Workbook, a spiral bound book with writing questions, wordcards, program overview and Principles of Creation charts, and work pages
- online access: FBG's Symbolic-Learning Home Resources on
- Lifetime access to our Hebraic Principles of Creation "Home Resources" online learning site with the pdfs, mp3s, mp4s, links, etc.
- Introductory mentoring in the Hebrew Way and through our recorded Principle Workshops
- Learning through 22 Principles of Creation Workshop recordings with our 22 original children's positive affirmation stories, songs, dances, and a plethora of resources in each Module
- Invitation to join our Level 2 Unlocking the Chambers Women's Retreat immersive & experiential training
- Choose how you access*: monthly cost until you've paid-in-full, or pay-in-full and get it all at once
*These "Home Resources" are stand-alone --OR-- are included in the full Lifetime Membership Symbolic-study mentored program in Level 1-3.

In Level 1, Enjoy our Monthly Principles of Creation Word Study Tutorials
Thank you for showing me how to further my discovery in the scriptures and other great works through the amazing Word Study Tutorials! This gentle and very personal way of discovery has shaped my life in so many ways. It has opened my heart and mind to see truths that have helped teach and guide me to greater self-honesty and a higher way of being. I'll be forever grateful for this tool that has become an integral part of my daily study! ~ Lori Gardner
“In the Foundation Builder Guide, the way we go to sources to understand words associated with symbols and then go to the scriptures has profoundly opened my understanding. By first learning the nuances of a word, then taking that word to the scriptures, deeper meanings and new connections unfold.” ~ Tracie Hyde
Testimonials of Foundation Builder Guide:
The Foundation Builders Guide is an inspired program. Katie's heart and soul is in it and through the details. Each year I gain more and more insight into the Hebrew way and rich symbolism.
Its a great, holistic and nature-based program that helps mothers and families join together and learn to observe God more fully in all the details of their lives--a journey of unfolding God's truths and beauties in everyday life.
This program is simple, but profoundly deep. It is not a quick lesson or fix. It is an investment in becoming, for individuals and families. If you have felt drawn to this, just do it; and the answers and guidance become clear as you learn and grow in better understanding and appreciating this beautifully simple, yet complex language and it's value to the world.
There will always be other programs and intellectual pursuits that will give you facts and knowledge alone. This is not is much more. As you learn to truly observe and apply true principles in your quest of becoming who you were born to be, you gain perspective on how your life fits into this beautiful journey we call life. This program can do that, but you get out of it what you put into it.
If I had to choose one word to describe the Foundation Builder Guide, inspired would be that word. When I first learned of the methods and program with The House of the Book, I was intrigued. Symbolic Hebrew is something I had been interested in learning and the idea of taking my family along with me was exciting, but it is so much more than that. Learning to live by the principles I have learned while studying with Katie has opened my heart and prepared me to be a Godly mother...
The mother’s retreat was a turning point in my parenting style. I have turned my attention inward and worked on changing my heart and as I change my heart, the hearts of my family are changing as well. I have learned to be still. I’ve learned new ways to see the scriptures, and to communicate with my Father in Heaven – to listen to His divine council within my heart.
I am blessed to have been involved with a co-op which uses the principles and teachings in Foundation Builder Guide. We’ve started to implement the principles in many aspects of our lives. Since the principles of Creation are principles set from the foundation of the world, they apply to everything from communication within the family, to health, to your communication with God. They give you the power to change your life from within. It has truly been a gift to my family.
2014 - Katie so beautifully and gently guides you through the discovery process of seeking, asking and knocking. This experience has been so different from other seminars, classes and conferences that I have attended. It an invitation to go deeper inside yourself and with God to discover what has been there all along. Symbols in nature and the scriptures are coming alive as I am beginning to make greater connections and applications to my own life. My creative right brain is being challenged and awakened as well as my spirit. I will never view life and learning in the same way. Thank You Katie for paying a price the last few years to take this journey yourself and become "One who goes before". I'm so grateful!
2019 - This program is inspired. My journey through these incredible Principles of Creation has filled my life with understanding, purpose, direction, insight, growth and many other wonderful things. I encourage all to complete the Pilgrim's Course Tutorial, as well as the recordings for all the Principles of Creation and the resources for mothers and children. Use the Writing Questions. Paste them into a journal and write! Most importantly, date each means so much more when you go back and read them!!! It's astounding what miracles you observe going back and re-reading the overview of several years of your life that you may miss when you are in the middle of the mess. I'm so thankful for this on-going life-changing beautifully laid out journey through these amazing Principles!! Thank you and bless your dear heart, Katie F. Hansen!!
The Missing Piece! I have been trying to piece together how best to teach my children, studying everything I could get my hands on. I was recently led to Katie and her FBG Hebrew classes. It was fascinating to me, as I learned the Skills of Observation and Discovery, and started to Ask, Seek, and Knock, I have been finding answers. When we seek help from our Creator and look for answers we find them!
The Early Semitic Pictographic Alphabet book is amazing is just the tip of the iceberg! It is an amazing introduction to the Hebrew Way, and our history of where we have come from! Being raised in such a Greek, compartmentalized, system of schooling I have felt like there is always just one answer. I have struggled to apply and truly understand parables and metaphors, but now as I have learned to look deeper. I have found the missing piece. Because of the class and this book, I am now able to see all the pieces fit together layer by layer. All learning is interconnected and part of one eternal round.
I am so excited to continue my journey and apply what I have learned. Thank you, thank you for this beautiful book and program! Your efforts have really paid off and the timing is impeccable.
The Foundation Builder Guide has taken me on a surprising journey.... Learning to see connections, ask better questions, understand symbolism, notice and observe true principles, nurture our souls with all good and beautiful things - These and other benefits are blessing me and making me a better learner and teacher too. The foundation builder has been teaching me how to teach in the way the heart learns, and it makes everything we learn more meaningful as we discover as a family that truths in one area connect with all others. It’s a beautiful journey!
Through the Foundation Builder Guide, Katie shared with me a pattern for discovering gospel principles through the symbolism of the Hebrew alphabet. During the online discussions, Katie didn’t tell me what the symbols meant, she only guided me and allowed me time and space to discover their meanings on my own. As I practiced learning symbolically through studying one letter a month, doors of understanding opened and the view was much more than I had imagined! I realized the Hebrew alphabet provides a scaffolding for gospel truth. To my joy, I began to see a beautiful tapestry of truth unfold.
Words cannot fully express my gratitude for all the growth I've experienced in learning The Hebrew Way through Foundation Builder Guide’s Principles of Creation Tutorials!! Thank you Katie!! My life is so full of meaning now. I know how to truly live and be happy. It is no coincidence that I am in the Provo Commonwealth with you Katie. I love you and thank you!!
The Principles of Creation taught through The Foundation Builder Guide, are creating a change in our home. As I study them for our family Hebrew school and let them grow in me, I am finding peace because I am applying correct principles in our home. I see the rhythm of our home; I see the pattern for building our houses, our character house, our families, our school, our homes as Temples. We see these principles all around us for they are in all things. They are timeless, priceless principles that have always existed.
Testimonials of Katie's Principles of Creation classes:
I have learned so much! Thank you for giving us this opportunity. This class has been life-changing!
Thank you, I look forward to this class and all the different subjects and I'm sad to see it end. I'm so glad that I had the class because now I understand so much more!! 🙂
at Home Resources
Intro class
FBG's Symbolic-Learning Home Resources
We've spent 10+ years mastering the art of teaching these amazing Principles of Creation to our children, in The Symbolic Hebrew Way. Take advantage of incorporating these 22 Principles & 8 Organic Environments with the essential student Skills of Discovery. (includes the 7 Liberal Arts, Multiple Intelligence's)