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FBG’s Custom Notebook Cover Pattern
The Notebook can be a value tool to keep all your thoughts, dreams, ideas, sketches, and more! Thomas Jefferson kept a book like this and called is his Commonplace Book. This is a place for us and our children to develop our pre-writing skills of journaling and recording experiences. It works perfectly for gluing in our "Writing Questions" which are a part of our Intro Principles of Creation class ~ The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial and the Principles of Creation Tutorials.
The Composition book is a great size and we have created a pattern of a few covers using "organic materials" which are beautifully nurturing and last through the years, and many composition notebooks.
This Notebook pattern pdf will be emailed to you.
Original price was: $29.99.$15.00Current price is: $15.00.
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FBG’s English & Hebrew Alphabet Drawing Guide
*This pdf comes with the FBG Home Learning Resources
The English & Hebrew Alphabet Drawing Guide creates an opportunity for the mother to walk through a right & left brain (“crosses the midline”) experience with her child as well as to gain a deeper connection with the House of Israel story and it’s language and culture. This guide shows the whole-brained, hands-on, and heart-centered, most effective way to teach, while most importantly, including and connecting our original culture and story as told in the Bible. A simple alphabet drawing experience connecting the ancient to the modern, becomes more whole, meaningful, and complete by adding the House of Israel story symbolic aspect.
You will see through this experience with your child how you can be accomplishing more than just a linguistic/art study/experience. There are many unseen results of engaging in this experience with your child which cannot be quantified or measured, such as the benefits of drawing while including storytelling and color, or the deeper benefits of building character. By drawing these pictures in this way, the Symbols & Biblical Stories (*The Hebrew Way) will sink into your children’s memories and hearts organically rather than by telling or just memorizing. The drawing examples with the correlating number and shape show the additional aspect of the Hebrew Alphabet’s built-in number system and how Katie connects the geometric shapes with the Hebrew Alphabet, which naturally go along with the Days of Creation.
Get this resource here or purchase our Ancient Hebrew book, The Early Semitic Pictographic Alphabet, and I will send this English & Hebrew Alphabet Drawing Guide to you for free.
Have you seen our self-directed Intro Principles of Creation class: The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial & eBook? We know it will add to your connection with the House of Israel story!
Original price was: $65.00.$24.99Current price is: $24.99.
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FBG’s Intro Principles of Creation Class: The Pilgrim’s Course Tutorial
The password will be emailed to you giving you the login to the Pilgrim's Course Tutorial product on our FBG Study site (click here to see it).
Log-in with this password to participate in the online modules & pdfs, and to view the recordings and the writing questions.
The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial includes:
- Access to our Private Online Community network!! (a value of $300/year) *You will be added to this Network and sent an invite!*
- 5 Ways to Prepare instructions for how to prepare to receive the content fully
- Daily Nurturing Experiences supplemental resources for the class -- includes music, videos, recipes, Katie's Nurturing Our Families articles, blog, book & movie links.
- Daily Nurturing Writing Questions - for each day of the week
- and The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial Day 1- 4
- When you are finished with the recordings, and move through the modules. BONUS MATERIALS will open up to you including
- --Pilgrim's Course Tutorial Family Devotional Book (digital pdf)
- --The Be-Attitude Project Pamphlets (digital pdf)
- --Our Women's Retreat Recipe Booklet, 2022 (digital pdf)
The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial Recordings includes:
- 4 - 1 hour recordings, layering the content as we go thru the class and inviting you to join with us in searching the Bible.
- 1 - 1.5 hour recording, an additional layer of seeing this principle through Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ's story and searching in the Book of Mormon.
- 1 - 1 hour LIVE online Debrief discussion, held monthly in the Hebrew Model Discussion Group
- Enjoy this 4+hour Tutorial-style recorded class (plus an additional 1.5 hours on searching in the Book of Mormon), as we lay a groundwork of understanding this circle pattern then practice finding this pattern in the scriptures. Read the full description of this class HERE.

FBG’s Symbolic-Learning Home Resources – Full Yearly Access
This holistic resource is available on our NEW private Community MightyNetworks Platform. Join HERE to purchase Yearly Access to these Symbolic-Learning at Home Resources (SLHR).
Enjoy access to all 22 of FBG's Hebraic Principles of Creation Symbolic-Learning at Home Resources to use at your pleasure. You will have Yearly Access to the plethora of resources to teach and play through Creations Healing Arts: storytelling (language arts), song & music, dance & movement, nature (mathematics & sciences), journaling & creative story play, and discovery through all the subjects in Creation with Christ in the center.
For the child - 22 My Principles of Creation Journal Guide's ~ pdfs
- to watercolor or draw and make their own booklets
- to cut and paste the wordcards into
- to make a record of the poems, stories, nature, movement discovery experiences
- 22 Original Principles of Creation-based children's stories
- 22 Original Principles of Creation-based children's Songs
- 22 Original Principles of Creation-based children's Positive Scripts
- 22 Original Principles of Creation-based children's Simulations
- 22 Original Principles of Creation-based children's Dances
- Rhythm Activities
- 8 Original Storytelling Lessons (pdf & videos)
- A Simple Project Learning System for your 8-12 yr. olds.
- Many "Discovery Experiences" using Organic Environments & Materials
- Over 70 Classic Children's Stories/Fairy Tales listed as complementary to the Principles of Creation
- AND The Workshops recordings to help you teach lead from the Principles of Creation with your children
We are excited for our upcoming Facilitator "Discover With Me" video series. 2024-2025 will bring us 1-2 videos in this series and 2025-2026 will bring us many more in an effort to fund-raise for our Principles of Creation Storybook, SLHR Guidebooks (printed versions), supplementing our Retreats and building a "Restoration Center" for experiencing Creations Healing Arts.The purchase of our Early Semitic Pictographic Alphabet book is most highly recommended to learn and teach along with these resources. See that HERE. Join us at to access all our 22 Hebraic Principles of Creation Symbolic-Learning at Home Resources monthly, providing a simple way for you to start engaging today.

Nurturing Our Families – 2 Articles
Download and read these 2 articles teaching crucial aspects of "The Hebrew Way."
Nurturing through the Organic Environment & Materials
Nurturing through the Essential Student Skills of Discovery

Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide
Find more connection with the Ancient Israel Tabernacle and people by observing and searching in this free Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide by Tracie Hyde. Come join my family and I as we 'gather around our table' and search to learn more about G-d's Tabernacle of Moses!
This download will include:
- a pdf of this Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide by a Foundation Builder Guide Member
- an mp4 VIDEO link to watch ~ How to use this guide w/ Tracie Hyde, Lori Gardner and Katie Hansen